Tuesday, December 19, 2017

How to Tell Whether Gutter Screens are a Smart Buy for Your Home

Gutter screen installation is debatable in many cases. While experts might not recommend them in some cases, it’s usually better to be safe than sorry. You’ll find that a practical approach is usually desirable in determining whether or not your home will require a gutter screen installation job:

  • Consider your budget and the overall state of your home, and think of what the most pressing necessities are when it comes to renovating options. Do you need to replace the plumbing, wiring, roof or insulation? If so, you might want to consider addressing those issues first, and then focus on installing new gutters and gutter screens.
  • If you already have new gutters, it might be prudent to install gutter screens to promote a longer life for your brand new gutter installation.
  • Where is your home located? Are you in an area where rainfall and snow storms are common? If so, you should definitely look into installing new gutter screens.
  • Also, it might be a good idea to add gutter screens if you’re worried about pests, such as birds and squirrels. You would be surprised what some of the professional roofing contractors with Fort Smith AR companies have found hiding within the gutters. If you see them around the house and on your roof on a constant basis, their presence could be detrimental to the long term structural integrity of your gutter system.


You’ll find that, regardless of your decision, the cost and hassle involved with installing new gutter screens will be minimal. Once the new system is in place, you’ll be glad to have it, especially since it will make any required maintenance jobs much easier than before.

First Seen over here: How to Tell Whether Gutter Screens are a Smart Buy for Your Home

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Are There Any Specific Home Insulation Levels and Recommendations for Arkansas?

Despite being located somewhat closer to the South, Arkansas still has areas where the climate is not so warm all year round. This means that, in the event you buy or rent a new house here, you will need to think about adding more insulation to your new home.


Insulation considerations used to be less of a problem a few years ago. However, recent standards demand a much greater minimum insulation level even for most areas in Arkansas.  Check with a licensed Springdale roofing contractor near you for recommendations.


The state features two main areas that require different insulation levels. If you live in most of Arkansas, you can typically get away with an R30 to R40 attic insulation, while walls and floors only require an insulation of between R13 and R30.


The north of Arkansas is somewhat colder, and it was rated at a higher standard when it comes to typical insulation needs. Here you’ll need attic insulation of at least R38, while walls, ceilings and floors will also require between R13 and R38.


It’s very important to remember all these details before insulating your home. Depending on additional factors such as the thickness of your siding or the installation of a new roof, you might be able to get away with only using the minimum amount of insulation required for your area.

First Seen on: Are There Any Specific Home Insulation Levels and Recommendations for Arkansas?

Tuesday, December 05, 2017

The Benefits of Vinyl – Is Vinyl Siding a Good Idea for Arkansas Homes?

Depending on where in Arkansas you live, there are many considerations regarding on the issue of whether or not you should use vinyl siding. There are numerous expert Fort Smith Roofing companies that love the product.  Vinyl is designed to be an aesthetically pleasing, affordable alternative to wood, metal and fiber-cement, and it can withstand heat and cold quite well.


In much of Arkansas, you’re facing average temperatures of well over 60 degrees, which means the summers can get pretty warm. Hot temperatures can sometimes bring drought, and the short and cool winters can sometimes be quite sunny as well.


Unlike many other types of siding materials, however, modern day vinyl siding is designed to withstand UV rays more easily. Combined with good heat resistance and greater standard thickness, most vinyl siding products can last a long time in Arkansas with little or no maintenance.


One of the things most people complained about vinyl in the past was the fact that its design made it look cheap and its seams eliminated the illusion that it might be wood. Newer products feature no seams, and are manufactured to imitate wood quite faithfully.


Also, it’s not a real surprise that some experts consider the newest vinyl products on the market look even more like genuine wood than the faux wood siding products that were designed just a few years ago.

Original Post right here: The Benefits of Vinyl – Is Vinyl Siding a Good Idea for Arkansas Homes?